On Fixing My Own Crown, Relationships First & 6 Years of KMG
6 years ago this week, I made the decision to leave a six-figure corporate job to go out on my own. My goal was to create the firm that I wished had existed when I was a client seeking a marketing partner and a place I’d like to work as an employee. One that prioritizes relationships and treats our clients’ business challenges as our own. A place where high performance and happiness are valued in equal measure. It is a source of immense joy that my hunch was right: there is a need for a company like KMG.
Amidst the many setbacks and challenges, I can honestly say that I have never once regretted my decision. Through scaling a company, expanding the number of clients we serve, growing our team and learning from challenges (including transitioning to a virtual model in covid)... one thing has remained constant: if you do great work and value relationships, the rest will follow.
Everyday I am adding new skills, falling down, dusting myself off and getting out of my comfort zone. As I reflect on these past 6 years, here are some of the lesser-talked-about learnings I can share for anyone considering venturing out on your own:
Know Your Financial Risk Profile
Research shows that women have a lower risk tolerance than men. This doesn’t mean we don’t take risks. Just that historically we are more cautious and calculated in our risk-taking. Knowing your financial risk profile will help you make the leap with eyes wide open and, for me, knowing I could be ok with the “worst case” scenario gave me the confidence I needed to make the leap. Remember: you can always go and find a new job if your risk doesn’t pay off.Be Ready to Fix Your Own Crown
Part of putting yourself out there is failing. It can be humbling and discouraging, but be prepared to fix your own crown and get back to it. What’s the song, “I get knocked down, but I get up again…” Yeah, that one. It is a good anthem to accompany the sometimes lonely road of building a business. You won’t win every pitch, proposal, piece of work you go after. But it’s what you learn from the experience (once you’ve wiped away the tears!) that will define your future success. Learning to not take things personally is an ever-present challenge and one that I seek to get better at on the daily.Empower Others
That said, the journey is not lonely. Building a team that is stronger than the sum of its parts has always been a goal of mine. Finding this balance and a team I trust has been so rewarding. There are fewer more satisfying feelings than handling my responsibilities while trusting that our team is effectively responding to client needs and representing KMG. It hasn’t come naturally since I am somewhat of a control freak. But the more we grow, the more I realize that much of my joy in business ownership is empowering my team and encouraging them to see and realize their full potential.Always Be Learning
One of my favorite things about marketing is that it is dynamic. The fast-changing nature of the industry means we have to constantly be on our toes and looking out for the best interest of our clients. One day you’re learning the next you’re getting certified in Google Analytics to stay ahead of the curve.
The key is remaining open to new ways of doing things. We knew that would be important and it has proven vital in responding to an unknown like the pandemic!Play the Long Game
Being an Enneagram 3, I’m a get-after-it girl. This achiever mindset is part of the key to my success. But it can also backfire since there is only so long you can go at 100 mph.
Through working with a business coach and doing some self-discovery, I am more conscious now of the need to adopt a long-game mentality. Slowing down to speed up can be a very effective approach to success. There are times when we need to be in high gear and there are times that call for downshifting. Knowing the difference has been key to my avoiding burnout. So yes, I’m still on the search for that holy grail of balance, baby. But I won’t stop looking til I find it!
I am grateful that we are still here. A little older and wiser. It has never been about growing the fastest for me. But more about growing in a thoughtful and sustainable way. Thank you to my incredible team, clients, and support system for making these past 6 years so memorable. Looking forward to all that lies ahead.